jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

Have fun at camilito's blog!!!

In this blog, you can give your opinions on games and music videos. I will put the game you like the most. You can also comment on the messages I write by clickinng on the "comentario". Be sure to click on "publicar comentario" when you are done.

6 comentarios:

toprockers dijo...

cool blog!!!!!!1

=) MUsiC iN tHe WoRLd =) dijo...

cool blog!!!

Unknown dijo...

Super blog
Frégart de muret.

Unknown dijo...

pas facile à utiliser pour un nouvel utilisateur
il faudrait indiquer un mode d'emploi -en 3 langues -

Unknown dijo...


Unknown dijo...

Very good blog !


Super Mario World

Ultimate Flash Sonic